The Dwelling of God
There are countless profound questions about the nature, heart, and character of God. Who is He? Does He like me? What does He want of me? Who am I because of who He is? These are questions that have echoed through the ages, and many have attempted to answer them with lofty words, phrases, and concepts. Yet, if I were to distill these questions into one simple statement, I would say that, above all, God yearns to be in our company. Or, to be more precise - He longs to dwell with us, not out of necessity, but out of a deep, abiding love for us.
This is not because He has any emotional needs that need to be met or because He’s lonely, but because He likes being with us. He longs for our company. As I thumb through the pages of scripture, one theme remains consistent—and it’s that God’s deep desire is to dwell with us.
Follow the thread of this theme from the first to the last page of the scripture, and God’s desire to dwell within us remains consistent at every significant juncture.
God’s greatest desire is to dwell with us - to be with us and to hang out with us. This is a powerful and profound truth about God. It talks of His love, His commitment, His desire, His sacrifice, His humility, His grace, and His forgiveness. It also talks about our rights and responsibilities as His friends – to live lives fitting for Him to dwell in.
● What does it say about God that He wants to dwell with you?
● What does it say about you that He wants to dwell with you?
● What can you do to make yourself more hospitable to this deep desire of God’s?
This is not because He has any emotional needs that need to be met or because He’s lonely, but because He likes being with us. He longs for our company. As I thumb through the pages of scripture, one theme remains consistent—and it’s that God’s deep desire is to dwell with us.
Follow the thread of this theme from the first to the last page of the scripture, and God’s desire to dwell within us remains consistent at every significant juncture.
- In the very beginning, God dwelt with man in the garden. He said it was good—very good—because He was able to dwell with the objects of His affection—people.
- Through sin, we quickly separated ourselves from God, and our broken state prevented us from being close to His brilliance. Sin always breaks some relationships, but God continually wants to dwell with us. He brought His people out of Egypt's oppression in the hope that we could dwell together (Exodus 29:46).
- Throughout the book of Deuteronomy, we see that God gave what was called the Ark of the Covenant that would be carried around with His people to remind them that God dwelt with them and longed to dwell with them.
- As our rebellion thwarted these hopes, God sent Jesus to us where “the word become flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).
- As Jesus prepared again to be the victim of man’s rebellion, He promised that H would send another to dwell with us – the Holy Spirit who would dwell within us as we carried on the work of Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:16)
- Then, in Revelation, we read of the final end of things when all is settled and God’s victory has been consummated, that “God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God himself will be with them and be their God “(Rev 21:3).
God’s greatest desire is to dwell with us - to be with us and to hang out with us. This is a powerful and profound truth about God. It talks of His love, His commitment, His desire, His sacrifice, His humility, His grace, and His forgiveness. It also talks about our rights and responsibilities as His friends – to live lives fitting for Him to dwell in.
● What does it say about God that He wants to dwell with you?
● What does it say about you that He wants to dwell with you?
● What can you do to make yourself more hospitable to this deep desire of God’s?
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