Chase towards Jesus
“Now, that same day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them…. …They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled and saying, "It is true!”. Luke 24.
The “Walk to Emmaus” (Luke 24) is probably one of the most descriptive resurrection appearances of Jesus. It is a story of numerous transformations in the lives of these two disciples as they meet the risen Christ – despair is changed to joy, uncertainty turns to hope, and confusion becomes recognition. But a significant transformation was in the turn of pace in their steps! We read that they began on the road to Emmaus at a walking pace but returned from Emmaus at a much quicker speed.
Fuelled by excitement, energy, and a passion to share that Jesus had risen, they returned to Jerusalem as quickly as possible.
What is of primary importance is that we continue to grow as disciples of Christ, moving towards God's plans for us. A problem I face in my walk towards God is that my tendency tends to slow down rather than speed up. Walking becomes a stroll, and a stroll so easily becomes a stop!
Let the fact that "He has Risen" inspire us to chase after God's promises and plans for us.
Chase after God.
The “Walk to Emmaus” (Luke 24) is probably one of the most descriptive resurrection appearances of Jesus. It is a story of numerous transformations in the lives of these two disciples as they meet the risen Christ – despair is changed to joy, uncertainty turns to hope, and confusion becomes recognition. But a significant transformation was in the turn of pace in their steps! We read that they began on the road to Emmaus at a walking pace but returned from Emmaus at a much quicker speed.
Fuelled by excitement, energy, and a passion to share that Jesus had risen, they returned to Jerusalem as quickly as possible.
What is of primary importance is that we continue to grow as disciples of Christ, moving towards God's plans for us. A problem I face in my walk towards God is that my tendency tends to slow down rather than speed up. Walking becomes a stroll, and a stroll so easily becomes a stop!
Let the fact that "He has Risen" inspire us to chase after God's promises and plans for us.
Chase after God.
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